Culver Redevelopment Commission

The Culver Redevelopment Commission (CRC) met for their first 2012 meeting on Wednesday, March 21st.  There are two returning members, Grant Munroe and Jerry Ney.  There are three new members, Brandon Cooper, Rick Tompos and Ralph Winters.  (Cooper was absent.)  They reorganized with Munroe as Chair, Winters as Vice-Chair and Tompos as Secretary.

Members brought two issues before the commission as projects to consider for the year:

  1. Munroe suggested that the group continue their consideration of facade improvement grants as were discussed extensively last year.  I suggested that they approach Trent Bennett regarding participating in a Task Force or Sub Committee in order to complete this project since he was so heavily involved in it the previous year.  They thought that was appropriate and planned to contact him.  They are going to consider this at their next meeting when they have a better handle on financing.
  2. Winters suggested that the group consider funding or helping to fund a sidewalk project which would extend the sidewalk along the west side of Lake Shore Drive from where it stops up to the intersection with S.R. 10 and then west along S.R. 1o to the Family Dollar store.  He  suggested this due to the number of Culver Academies students that walk this route to the Park ‘N Shop and to the Family Dollar.  Obstacles concerning this were discussed including that part of the area was not in the TIF District and part of the area would be on INDOT Right-of-Way.  They are going to consider this at their next meeting as well.

I presented a proposal that they consider participating in funding of a new Culver Comprehensive Plan.  (See 20/20 Vision for Culver)  They agreed that this would be a good project as it did impact the TIF District, but they felt it would be appropriate to partially fund it rather than be the sole source of funding.  I explained that this suggestion originated with Kathy Clark, a former chair of the CRC.  I also explained that I have vetted the idea with Jennifer Laurent, Marshall County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) Executive Director, and she had indicated that it was a common use of Redevelopment funds and outlined some steps for them to take.   They are going to consider this at their next meeting as well.

They plan to have updated financials for their next meeting so that the new members can familarize themselves with the funding and available funds.  They’re behind this year since this was their first meeting, but it sounds like they intend to hit the ground running.  Their next meeting will be April 18th at 5:30pm.  They are changing their meeting dates to the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the new 5:30pm time.

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