Culver Redevelopment Commission

Last night the Culver Redevelopment Commission met for their regular monthly meeting.  Kathy Clark spoke to the group in support of some projects that had come before them.  (Kathy was the chair of the Redevelopment Commission when it was first formed.)

She was there to help my cause of getting the Redevelopment Commission to fund the new Comprehensive Plan.  She stated that the Comprehensive plan is an integral part of retaining and bringing new business to Culver by setting goals and planning on where development should occur.  She cited examples of how the original Redevelopment Commission used the Comprehensive Plan to determine how to layout the TIF districts and where to spend the money that was provided by the TIF districts.  She also gave her reasoning on where TIF money should be spent.  The Commission was moved by her insights and has chosen to fund the Comprehensive Plan.  They did put some caveats on the cost and they did ask for involvement in selecting the consultant, but overall it was a big step forward.  Culver just may get 20/20 vision before 2020 arrives!

Bob Porter, Culver Utilities Superintendent, was there to request funding for a clock to be added to the Downtown Revitalization Project.  The Commission agreed to fund this too, probably due to Kathy’s pep talk.  Bob didn’t give a lot of details other than that it would be a four faced post clock which would be set in the Right-of-Way somewhere around the intersection of Main Street and Jefferson Street.

Tom Kearns and Mike Stallings were there from the Culver Tree Commission requesting funding for a tree project to improve School Street starting at the intersection with S.R. 10 and running south to Academy Road.  (See sketch)  Tom indicated that they had the support of all the property owners involved.  He also stated that the tree selections were made with the power lines in mind as well as a goal of having color throughout the year.  It was a good night to visit the Redevelopment Commission as they chose to fund this project as well!

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